Upload Media
Maximum: - follow limits or uploads fail at 100%
MB per Image - 10 per Upload
MB per Audio - 1 per Upload
MB per Video - 1 per Upload
Upload Audio & Video alone without other files!
Changing collections after is slower, so you might want
to set a collection for each media separately when uploading.
Create collections on the Collections page. (This is not neccessary.)
All media also gets sorted into categories:
Images, Videos, Audios & Likes
The following html tags are allowed:
<strong> <br> <font> <span> <div> <p> <a>
Notes: Do not align text (even using p, span, div & font tags)
It creates excessive space above and below the description.
Add closing tags or it may cause problems with the bottom buttons.
Closing tags are required each time you use a tag:
</strong> </font> </span> </div> </p> </a>
<br> is a line break & does not get a closing tag.
Other tags will be removed.
Follow the RULES or images/account may be removed.