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<a href="" target="_blank">These "PLASMOIDS" Could Be Interdimensional? New Jersey Drone Situation Just Went Full Sci Fi</a>                                                                            
Click to watch the original video on YouTube (38 minutes):<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">These "PLASMOIDS" Could Be Interdimensional? New Jersey Drone Situation Just Went Full Sci Fi</a>                                                                            
Click to watch the original video on YouTube (38 minutes):<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">These "PLASMOIDS" Could Be Interdimensional? New Jersey Drone Situation Just Went Full Sci Fi</a>                                                                            
Click to watch the original video on YouTube (38 minutes):<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">These "PLASMOIDS" Could Be Interdimensional? New Jersey Drone Situation Just Went Full Sci Fi</a>                                                                            
Click to watch the original video on YouTube (38 minutes):<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">These "PLASMOIDS" Could Be Interdimensional? New Jersey Drone Situation Just Went Full Sci Fi</a>                                                                            
Click to watch the original video on YouTube (38 minutes):<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">These "PLASMOIDS" Could Be Interdimensional? New Jersey Drone Situation Just Went Full Sci Fi</a> I have examined this photograph and I think the center is a computer generated image. It looks too clean and perfect compared to the banged up old piece of shit I found. But even if that part is real, the surrounding parts are completely faked, smudged all over from copying and pasting, in wrong places all over. Look at the difference between the middle part which does not even have the same amount of black wedges as the other photograph lol, this looks like brand new technology strait out of the factory and the rest looks completely bogus. Take a good look and you will see! Lots of people have really spent a great deal of time and money on so many conspiracies involving this UFO